Google Public DNS is a Domain Name System (DNS) service offered to Internet users worldwide by Google.It functions as a recursive name server.Google Public DNS was announced on 3 December 2009, in an effort described as "making the web faster and more secure".

Jul 01, 2020 · Google has been the largest public DNS in the world, managing over 400 billion server requests per day. The Google service does not use traditional DNS servers for operative purposes. Instead, it is bolstered on custom-designed cutting edge technology, conforming to a specific set of DNS norms. As an example, is an alias of the IP address Try typing that IP address directly into your address bar, and it should resolve to Google. However, most people find it easier to remember than an IP address. First one is, the primary DNS and the second one is, the secondary one. You can use Google DNS instead of your ISP’s DNS servers. Advantages Of Using Google Public DNS: 1. Google Public DNS is Faster and Reliable: Google DNS resolves the hostnames faster than many DNS servers that belong to ISPs.

As an example, is an alias of the IP address Try typing that IP address directly into your address bar, and it should resolve to Google. However, most people find it easier to remember than an IP address.

Enter your router’s gateway IP address in your browser. If prompted, fill in your username and password. This information may be labeled on the router. In your router’s configuration page, locate the DNS server settings. Write down any existing DNS server entries for future reference. Replace those addresses with the DNS addresses:

* Performance - Google has many services that are used by billions worldwide so they need to control every part of the tech stack to offer the best performance. They’re also interested in a fast internet because it encourages more use of their se