The Set-DnsServer cmdlet uses an input object to overwrite a specified Domain Name System (DNS) server configuration. You can generate the input object by using an XML file that is exported by using any of the following cmdlets: Get-DnsServer, Export-Clixml, or Import-Clixml. For more information about Export-Clixml, see Export-Clixml. For more information about Import-Clixml, see Import-Clixml. I have some questions about using group policy on a windows server that controls a domain (mostly of windows 7 pcs) to change all their DNS settings at once - or just as a policy setting. I have tried adjusting the global policy: computer configuration > administrative templates > network > DNS client > DNS Servers . Windows 7 may prompt you for permission to make network setting changes. Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 and click Properties. Click the radio button Use the following DNS server addresses: and type and in the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server fields. Click OK button, then the Close button, then Windows 7 - Static DNS setup Aim of this article: This article provides instructions on configuring Windows 7 to use statically assigned DNS server addresses. Setup: Begin by clicking Windows Logo > Control Panel. Click Network and Internet. Click on Network & Sharing Center.

Oct 07, 2014

Jul 12, 2015 Change Primary DNS Suffix May 11, 2019

Aug 30, 2014 · How can I use Windows PowerShell to set the primary and secondary DNS server addresses for the client workstations? Use the Set-DNSClientServerAddress cmdlet, and specify the primary and the secondary DNS servers as an array, for example: Set-DNSClientServerAddress –interfaceIndex 12 –ServerAddresses (“”,””)

Powershell script to set new DNS settings in Windows 7 and Windows 10 with one script. Ask Question Asked 3 years ago. Active 3 years ago. Viewed 2k times 0. Need help with creating a single powershell script that will work with Windows 7 (powershell 2.0) and Windows 10 (powershell 5.0) so that i can be pushed via GPO. *we have no domain DHCP How to force windows 10 to use our custom DNS Server for